Noxious Night

Horror, fast-pace journey of Stevenson, an eight year-old boy. An entry of GMTK GameJam 2023.

How did we implement the theme: Roles Reversed?

We implemented the theme in a more narrative sense. We took the trope, an innocent old grandma, and reversed it. The role of a Grandma is to Protect, spoil, and love their grandkids, but you can rest assure that this Grandma doesn't.

What did I do?

Programmed easy-to-use & scalable path editor for other programmers. Implemented AI, movement, collision for Granny using custom ray casting logic, reducing visual detection errors by over 50%.

What did I learn?

Effective version control using Github, optimized pull requests & code reviews to coordinate work between 3 programmers, reducing merge conflicts by 32%, avoiding premature optimization.